The season for decorating Christmas trees and hanging up stockings over fireplaces has finally arrived and the festive atmosphere fills the house...
It's Christmas eve and we are celebrating the traditional Lithuanian way with the whole family gathered around the dinner table. No less than 12 different dishes have to be served which, no matter the fact that you usually end up skipping lunch to save space for all the yummy food in the evening, you are still left with loads of food for the next day. During the day you are not allowed to consume any meat or dairy products which is another contributing factor to the previously mentioned fasting before the long awaited meal.
Food glorious food!
Tomorrow will be spent making even more food, including a cheese cake which will be a test to my abilities as I've never made one before and my brother shall make his signature 2 chickens (one stuffed with veggies and one with fruit as dessert :P )
*Writing this post warm and cosy by the fire while there's a blizzard outside ('But since there's no place to go...') :)
Happy holidays!