Monday, 24 December 2012

Traditional Christmas Eve

The season for decorating Christmas trees and hanging up stockings over fireplaces has finally arrived and the festive atmosphere fills the house... 

It's Christmas eve and we are celebrating the traditional Lithuanian way with the whole family gathered around the dinner table. No less than 12 different dishes have to be served which, no matter the fact that you usually end up skipping lunch to save space for all the yummy food in the evening, you are still left with loads of food for the next day. During the day you are not allowed to consume any meat or dairy products which is another contributing factor to the previously mentioned fasting before the long awaited meal.  

Food glorious food!

Tomorrow will be spent making even more food, including a cheese cake which will be a test to my abilities as I've never made one before and my brother shall make his signature 2 chickens (one stuffed with veggies and one with fruit as dessert :P ) 

*Writing this post warm and cosy by the fire while there's a blizzard outside ('But since there's no place to go...') :)

Happy holidays!

Tuesday, 11 December 2012

End of term

The holidays are coming, a festive mood is in the air and the term has ended. Time to part ways with close friends for a while and meet up with old friends taking in every moment of the time spent together. But before going home... Time to travel! Will be hitting Amsterdam and Brussels on the way home, better get ready for ridiculous amounts of chocolate.

Christmas decorations by students, for students.

Monday, 10 December 2012

Organisational crafts

Got fed up with my necklaces getting tangled and not being able to see them all when choosing which one to wear so decided sort this situation out. How did I do it you ask? Well with a little inspiration from the internet I fashioned up this simple necklace holder. Easy to make and does the trick, plus adds to the décor of my plain student flat walls. Had to live up to the name of necklace queen given to me by a friend did I not? : )

My flatmate proposes an alternative way to organise jewellery with this ingenious idea, just take an old sweater and get some use out of it like so: 

 Another simple idea of how to organise earrings : )

Just some more ways I organise my jewellery back home:

Yes, it's a cutlery rack.

Wednesday, 5 December 2012

Hello world!

With time passing faster than ever, little moments get overlooked, memories forgotten and days can pass by unnoticed. That's why I've decided to start this blog, where I can post those random life events on which I can look back upon on a rainy day and smile. Life is like a playlist - it has its ups and downs, can go slow one moment and extremely fast the next, but if it's a good one it has a balanced mix of emotion, rhythm and inspiration.

“Reflect upon your present blessings -- of which every man has many -- not on your past misfortunes, of which all men have some.”