Thursday, 22 August 2013

Camping trip week

Basically, went on 3 trips last week which were all completely different, but all involved sleeping in a tent :P

The first was an eco festival Vėjų Slėnis (Valley of the winds) where I spent a couple of days attending lectures and workshops, eating vegan food and enjoying the outdoors. However, this experience was cut short by a storm which struck right in the middle of dinner time. And so bowls full of food were left in the fields as people scattered to run and save their tents. We did the same and when we made it to our tent spot we found our tent (nicknamed the kebab stand because of it's size...) blown 10 meters up a hill and my brother taking it apart... So, had quite an experience (including what at the time seemed like cheating death by running through the field with lightning so close I swear I could feel the warmth from the flashes...) which ended with 7 of us driving back home in our car for 5 :P But when you're with friends, things like this don't bring you down, we had laughs and made this into an adventure :)

Made this necklace from different seeds at a workshop:)

The second was camping in Nida - a seaside resort town, with my family. This was nice as I only have a few days left with them before I leave for New Zealand... Also, got lucky as there was a medieval festival on the last day there which is something I always enjoy attending. Again had a chance to make a necklace, seems these opportunities keep appearing :P

Poured this necklace from tin :)

The third was a music festival by the sea 'Karklė' where good times were had listening to my favourite Lithuanian bands, chilling on the beach, dancing and spending time with my dear brother and an amazing friend, people with whom a good time filled with laughter is guaranteed. After a slightly shaky start where a drunk guy fell on our tent while we were in it, the rest of the festival went smoothly and I had the best time :)


Monday, 5 August 2013

When in Riga

On my casual weekend trip to Riga I got quite a first impression and learned many things about it such as...

...It's the city where cats respond to the call 'tuk, tuk', It should be expected that by choosing a hostel on Maskvas Iela (Moscow street) you can expect to not hear any Latvian and at night come back to find the hairdressers next door are having one hell of a party at the beauty salon...

... that basketball is enjoyed on any occasion...

...Elves are made here...

...There is a certain model of car that is allowed to enter the old town...

 ...The opportunity to pick wild berries is included in the ticket price of open air museums...

...Everyone can be a windmill...

...Lats tell it like it is...

...And regular bikes are simply not enough...

But mainly it's a city where good times were had and it gets my seal of approval.