Saturday, 29 August 2015

Thoughts: Riding through life

Life is a train journey with a flexible ticket. You can pick your stops and adjust your destination as many times as you choose. There can be delays, unexpected changes, and schedules that cause you to rethink your next steps. You may meet people that have taken different routes to get where you are and you can invite them to ride with you or simply exchange experiences of your journeys and move on. Out the window, you can see the world you are travelling through, the various possibilities that are out there. You can choose not to look and close the curtains, but ride in the dark for too long and risk missing a stop worth getting off the train for. The journey consists of the stops and the ride that takes you to them, pay attention to them both. It's not just about where you are, but how you got there that's important. 

Monday, 3 August 2015

I'm back baby! :D

Started exploring right away :D So many places exist in Vilnius I have never been to either because they have recently opened like the Lower palace and the Cathedral bell tower or I have just never had a chance to go like a super cute cafe 'Čaika' selling some interesting drinks (with vegan options!) and home made snacks which might just become a favourite hangout place of mine. Here are just some photos from these wonderful places I visited on one of my first days back to Lithuania. 

There are so many places to discover, even though I'm home I can't help feeling like I am still travelling. Here's hoping for more great discoveries! :)

The end of an era

So this is it. I have graduated university. Time to say goodbye to being a student and begin a new chapter of my life. My last few days were spent with friends and family in Birmingham visiting the attractions I didn't visit throughout the 3 years I spent in this city. Better late than never I guess :P  Took some time to walk around and take photos of some often visited sites as well: Curzon street station, the Selfridge's building and of course the custard factory graffiti and sculptures.

Windows desktop quality :P

This involved watching a film in the Electric cinema- the oldest functioning cinema in the UK. This was a lovely experience. The cinema was small and cosy, you could order drinks and snacks like ice cream at the bar or even get them brought to you if you bought better seats and sat on the sofas at the back. The film we saw was about a jazz guitar player from the States which was great (need to remember the name and fill this in :P ). The film was shown as part of the jazz and blues festival that was going on all week.

I also finally made it to Cadbury world! Lived 20 minutes away my whole time at uni and never managed to go, but a friend visiting was just the push I needed to finally go and see it. Had so much chocolate that day... mmm...

The day before my graduation I took my parents to the botanical gardens which I hadn't seen before either. There was a jazz concert happening there as well which added a nice touch to the relaxing atmosphere that was felt walking around and marvelling at all the beautiful flora.

Was hard to say goodbye to Millennium Court (my student house) as well. So many memories and meals were made and so many friendships were started here. Had a blast playing volleyball in the summers, snow fights in the winters, many games of mafia, many apple pies from the apple tree in first year, many wall decorations and creative ways to make the rooms look less miserable... It's been a great 3 years, hope future residents will look past the obvious shortcomings and make the most of living here. I know I did.

Some inside jokes from final year