Sunday, 3 January 2016

Thoughts: Dreams

People say - 'wake up from your dreams and start living in the 'real world'!' But I am not sleeping and that world isn't the real world to me. The world they see is full of broken dreams that have been set aside or forgotten. That is not a world I chose to live in. 

This life is what you make of it and I will chase my dreams, I will make them my reality. Maybe I will never achieve them, but I will live a life I create myself, not the life someone else imagines to be the 'real way' of living. I will travel. I will learn. I will be part of something bigger than myself and I will never let anyone convince me to sell my dreams because that is too big of a price to pay.

Gift crafts

Pretty much played Santa's workshop this year and made my friends and family hand crafted presents. It's been a while since I wasn't coming back from somewhere far away to celebrate Christmas with my family so finally had enough time (and the added bonus of not transporting gifts in my carry-on!) to sit down and make something nice for them. 

A friend and I got this idea that we would sew something and then personalise it by decorating. While she made lovely canvas bags, I went for decorative pillows. Had loads of fun making them even with the slightly tricksy sewing machine that would not turn off on demand... It took time to make them, but it was worth it.

I didn't make enough pillows for everyone so my gift idea number 2 was to make my friends earrings, which also turned out quite nice. This made me finally consider trying to make more and selling them at fairs next year. Who knows, might actually go through with it and make use of all the ideas for creative craft stall displays I've gathered on pinterest over the last few years (the strange things that get me all excited...).

Couple more wire wrapped gifts I made in the past