Sunday, 14 February 2016

Song of the day

Basically have had this song stuck in my head or repeat for 3 days now. Love this singer, so much feeling in her songs and such interesting vocals too! If you like this song I recommend giving "The Fool" a listen as well as "Octahate". Hope she releases more songs soon. Enjoy! ;)

Status update

The last few months have been pretty hectic with so much going on. Finally, my social project that will help connect young people who want to grow their own food with elderly people who want to share their land and pass down their knowledge is seeing some results. I have learned so much from doing this that no matter what happens next, I am happy to have set off on this mission. Personal growth, new contacts, friends, skills... have all received a huge boost. So grateful to all the people who have gotten involved and so incredible to see that an idea can resonate with someone that they are more than willing to work to make it happen. Registration starts this week and so the moment of truth about whether people will get on board the CoolŪkis train has come. Wish us luck!