Sunday, 20 January 2013

Igloos and snow fights

Snow has finally come to Birmingham, never thought I'd be witness to this! We decided to take advantage of this by attempting to build an igloo (as seems to be a trend this year with countless photos of them being posted on my fb newsfeed)... let's just say the foundation for ours is built... 

We then moved on to a snowball fight which lasted until 2 am  This involved us climbing on the roof of our house, mutinies within teams, traitors and revenge. So, all in all, a very serious battle commenced last night with only the night as its witness. 

Loving the snow, wishing for more of it in the days to come!

Tuesday, 15 January 2013

First blood :P

I know the title of this post requires some explanation... Basically I've joined this 'Assassins' society in uni. It's a game where you get a target and have to fake kill them in the most interesting way possible and this time we had to form teams and try to eliminate all those on opposing ones. Today we made a successful kill (I was the assassin, woot! :D ) the description that we presented was as follows:

After A. was gunned down, the seemingly victorious J. P. gloated with friends about his most recent kill. What he hadn't realised was that another member of A.'s team had planted something on him and quickly disappeared.

After a while, a passer-by mentioned that there was something on the unfortunate victim. Upon hearing this, the doomed Mr P. span around. This threw what was stuck to him to the ground. After picking it up and inspecting the object closer, he realised what the stranger was talking about. It was a small, fluffy animal. Not thinking anything of it, he let the poor creature go. After a number of seconds, Joe's face suddenly contorted. He collapsed. Foam was frothing from the mouth. His eyes were bulging out of their sockets.

I'm sorry, the scene is too gruesome for me to continue.

Everyone who has just witnessed what had happened stood around in amazement. Nobody had seen anything like this before.

What was special about this tiny animal was that merely touching it would cause death.

After examining the body, a note was found on the deceased. It read "We take our team very seriously. We're like a family. If you kill one of us, be prepared. Your days are numbered..."

Monday, 14 January 2013

January 13th

January 13th 1991 is an important day in Lithuania's history. In the days leading up to it Soviet Union military actions were taken following Lithuania's act of re-establishment. People gathered in solidarity to defend important buildings from Soviet occupation. 13 people were killed and many more injured. To think that my dad was there and could have been one of those hurt is a thought that always crosses my mind on this day. 

We usually commemorate this day in schools by lighting candles and sharing a minute of silence, but since we're in the UK we decided that making some Lithuanian food, listening to some Lithuanian music and spending a quiet evening together would be appropriate. Our thoughts are with those who gave their lives for our country.

Tuesday, 8 January 2013

Song of the (rainy) day

Since it has been raining almost all day today it only seemed fitting to post the song Somewhere in between by The Ball & Chain. It has coincidentally been stuck in my head for a few hours now which I believe qualifies for a song of the day post. For those who don't know, this is a fairly new Lithuanian band which I only recently discovered and enjoy listening to quite a lot these days. Enjoy :)

Opa Ryanair style

If you travel with Ryanair you probably know where this is going... As they limit the amount of carry-on baggage you can take to a single bag that weighs no more than 10 kg, people tend to become very creative about getting away with taking as much stuff as possible. This time I really outdid myself putting on about 7 layers of clothing including a dress, skirt and jeans... Also, had my coat pockets filled with books like a good student :P You can probably imagine how stylish I felt on this flight (stylish enough to exclude any photographic evidence of it), but that's student travel for you.

Thursday, 3 January 2013

Song of yesterday

Every now and then there are those days when you just wake up with a song in your head. This was the case yesterday (hence the title of the post)  when I simply had Helena Beat by Foster the People on repeat in my head. Thought since the title of my blog is 'Life's Playlist' might as well share some songs that I listen to these days :) 

Tuesday, 1 January 2013

Amsterdam - Brussels: a journey of multiple food experiences

So, like I mentioned in my previous post, I started of my holiday in Amsterdam visiting my brother with a couple of close friends. We deemed this journey a trip of food as we seemed to be constantly trying new dishes and taking photos with everything we consumed.

We were exceptional lucky as my brothers newest flatmate happens to be a professional chef. What are the chances? He had just spent 6 months in India and seemed quite happy to show us how to prepare some amazing dishes, which we then ate sitting on the floor in a circle as is meant to be done. Mmm... can still remember the taste.

Photos by: Ieva Česnulaityte

Tourism as done by students - Amsterdam and Brussels

Our journey to Amsterdam and Brussels was quite an experience. Travelling by coach through the night for 14 hours and then walking around the city with all our luggage (let's face it we students wouldn't spend money for storage facilities) really takes up some energy. 

As will be noted in the next post, food made up a very large part of our trip and was one of the few things we considered important enough to spend money on. Otherwise, students will be students... Tasting all the cheeses in the Holland cheese store only to decide on coming back another day to repeat the process before actually purchasing anything, travelling by Megabus and Ryanair- the cheapest travel companies (only the finest for student travel ;)), chasing down free wifi (more yummy things consumed for this), sleeping in one little room and finally spending one night at an airport, but during all this meeting great people, enjoying new experiences, seeing loads and generally having a blast :)

Had a great time and hope to come back someday soon!

Photos by: Ieva Česnulaityte