Tuesday, 15 January 2013

First blood :P

I know the title of this post requires some explanation... Basically I've joined this 'Assassins' society in uni. It's a game where you get a target and have to fake kill them in the most interesting way possible and this time we had to form teams and try to eliminate all those on opposing ones. Today we made a successful kill (I was the assassin, woot! :D ) the description that we presented was as follows:

After A. was gunned down, the seemingly victorious J. P. gloated with friends about his most recent kill. What he hadn't realised was that another member of A.'s team had planted something on him and quickly disappeared.

After a while, a passer-by mentioned that there was something on the unfortunate victim. Upon hearing this, the doomed Mr P. span around. This threw what was stuck to him to the ground. After picking it up and inspecting the object closer, he realised what the stranger was talking about. It was a small, fluffy animal. Not thinking anything of it, he let the poor creature go. After a number of seconds, Joe's face suddenly contorted. He collapsed. Foam was frothing from the mouth. His eyes were bulging out of their sockets.

I'm sorry, the scene is too gruesome for me to continue.

Everyone who has just witnessed what had happened stood around in amazement. Nobody had seen anything like this before.

What was special about this tiny animal was that merely touching it would cause death.

After examining the body, a note was found on the deceased. It read "We take our team very seriously. We're like a family. If you kill one of us, be prepared. Your days are numbered..."

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