Monday, 25 February 2013

Song of some time

Basically had this song stuck in my head for a few days, but kept forgetting to post it on here. Still, decided it deserves it's moment in the sun so here it is: 

Bastille - Pompeii

Slightly creepy video though :P

Saturday, 23 February 2013

Go Green Week

As I am part of People and Planet - a student network campaigning for the environment and human rights, I was part of the organisational crew who organised a whole week of green events at our university. And boy was it amazing! :D So much better than last year, loads of people were involved and even though my health suffered a bit due to me going to as many events as I could, the week was a success! :)

Handed out delicious veggie burgers on Monday (can't think of a better way to get students involved then handing out free food ;D), watched a really great film on poverty on Tuesday,  planted vegetables at the gardens near uni on Wednesday (achieved the title of neatest seed line while at it :P ) , learned about student housing coops on Thursday and danced the night away at a ceilidh on Friday. Time for a bit of rest until I dive into the next thing ;D

Monday, 18 February 2013

14 vs 16

Whenever people think of February holidays, most remember Feb 14th - valentines day. However, for me February brings another important day - the 16th - Lithuania's independence day :) This year we celebrated both in completely different ways as you would expect of course.

The 14th was a very crazy night involving a pre-party in Millennium, going out, a middle of the night walk down New Street with adventures of it's own and a whole lot of dancing. 

Lovely roses for lovely ladies
The 16th on the other hand was a quiet night spent with friends at home, making Kugelis - a traditional LT dish, listening to music starting with Lithuanian music in Lithuanian, then LT artist music in English and watching a flight over LT film. The evening ended with some cockney rhyming slang, because there's only that much LT culture that you should share in one night... To cut a log story about the later short, we shall now be referring to tea as Rosy Lee :P A great night in itself, and like that little by little we will spread awareness of LT culture through something that brings all students together - free food :D

Sunday, 10 February 2013

Socials and stages

Well this week, after turning into a complete zombie while finishing my work, was brought to life by some exciting events I attended. 

Firstly, a night of live music at the 'Rainbox' event organised by Oxfam outreach - a charity society at our university, is just what I needed to relax. Some great bands performed and many moments were shared with friends. Hoping the the event helped to raise a lot of money that night it certainly was a good way to do it.

Secondly, had a great night out celebrating a friends' 70's themed birthday! The fancy dress was bright, the cocktails even more so and this random guy that walked around the whole club giving everyone high-fives was just one of the many things that had made that night just that bit more memorable.

Thirdly, I was in a 24 hour musical production! We basically had to put together a full musical in 24 hours and then perform it, which was loads of fun. The musical chosen was 'Mary Poppins' and lets just say it was a supercalifragilisticexpialidotious performance! Of course in this case most of the fun was during the rehearsals, learning everything in one day, some things just performing impromptu on stage as there was not enough time to go over each little thing... Then backstage during the performance, learning you have to come from the other side where the audience is sitting, therefore having to run through the guild of students in your costumes, getting the best looks from Joe's customers and staff. Finally, during the show, all that improvisation of the main cast when they forget their lines or something else goes wrong... Had the best time and will definitely be participating in the next one :)

Will try to get more pictures on when I get them :P

Sunday, 3 February 2013

Culinary marvels of students

Being students we can't really afford going out to eat all that often (this excludes free food deals when you buy a drink, which I took advantage of twice last week...). So, the only thing left to do is bring the restaurant to us. Even though our shelves are continuously stocked with Sainsbury's basics and Aldi products, every so often we manage to cook up something magical. It seems lately we've been quite good at doing this as a weekend doesn't pass without at least 2 tasty dishes that take more effort than your basic pasta with pesto to prepare. Hope this doesn't stop any time soon, loving the good food :)

Chicken fajita

Pink milkshakes on valentines day

Chocolate mousse

Friday night - pizza night

I like to eat, eat, eat, apples and bananas (cooked with honey)

Hard to beat this kind of breakfast
“One cannot think well, love well, sleep well, if one has not dined well.” 

― Virginia WoolfA Room of One's Own