Monday, 18 February 2013

14 vs 16

Whenever people think of February holidays, most remember Feb 14th - valentines day. However, for me February brings another important day - the 16th - Lithuania's independence day :) This year we celebrated both in completely different ways as you would expect of course.

The 14th was a very crazy night involving a pre-party in Millennium, going out, a middle of the night walk down New Street with adventures of it's own and a whole lot of dancing. 

Lovely roses for lovely ladies
The 16th on the other hand was a quiet night spent with friends at home, making Kugelis - a traditional LT dish, listening to music starting with Lithuanian music in Lithuanian, then LT artist music in English and watching a flight over LT film. The evening ended with some cockney rhyming slang, because there's only that much LT culture that you should share in one night... To cut a log story about the later short, we shall now be referring to tea as Rosy Lee :P A great night in itself, and like that little by little we will spread awareness of LT culture through something that brings all students together - free food :D

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