Monday, 4 March 2013

When the circus comes to town

For those who don't know, over the past couple of years I've been rather involved in circus'y activities :D This all started when my very talented cousin taught me a few poi tricks and then escalated with me joining the circus society in my university. Joining the society has given me the chance to not only raise my poi spinning skill, but also give come other fun things a go such as unicycling (can now ride ~10m before falling down - a major achievement for me), staff, juggling (still keep walking forward whilst doing it for some unknown reason) and contact juggling. Am still contemplating whether to buy fire poi to spin in my back yard (finish off that shed that burnt half way the year before we moved in... :P )

Was lucky enough to be there on a day they were taking pictures for the new banner and so my silhouette is now on it! Try to guess which one I am ;) 

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