Friday, 24 May 2013

Dance show

I have wanted to make a post about this for a while now, but was hoping that more pictures would be uploaded from it... Oh well, have a few which is better than last year anyway. Therefore, I shall proceed with the scheduled blogging. 

At the end of March together with a few friends (whose coming to dance class I take credit for :P ) I was in the dance society dance show whose theme was 'The Big Event' and so each dance represented some historical event. I did it last year as well, but this time was more fun as I had company and also did 4 classes in total, 2 more than last year (I'll be doing 6 or 8 at this rate in my final year). Anyway, the show was amazing, the dances all wonderful and I genuinely miss all of it so much now that I haven't been to a dance class in 2 months (darn you exams!). So, as I mentioned earlier I was in 4 dances these were 1) Modern 2) Street Jazz 3) Musical Theatre and 4) Contemporary. All were good, fun and full of emotion and so I'd like to write about each one a bit more.

1. Modern. 

The event for this dance was: The French Revolution. And boy were we revolutionary! The dance was full of turns, jumps and aggregation (hopefully we were able to project that, still have yet to see the video :P ) We danced to the song Children of the Revolution by T Rex:

2. Street Jazz
Miners Strike was the event we were to portray in this dance. I might even say this was my favourite to learn, it was energetic, filled with many moves with not so beginner level choreography for a beginner dance class. Again aggressive and fierce, but also very powerful. Had a love-hate relationship with the costume for this because even though I loved making the shirt and liked how it looked, my braces tended to pop off while on stage which was not something I wanted to happen. Anyway, we danced this to Antidote by Swedish House Mafia & Knife Party and I quite enjoyed it, would get stuck in my head after practice every time :P

3. Musical Theatre
Had a lovely dance to Hairspray for this one with the civil rights movement as our event. Was fun, up beat therefore had a great contrast with my other dances. Sometimes I would sing along when dancing it, just so much fun :)

4. Contemporary

This one would almost lead me to tears as it was a very emotional dance the event being the Iraq war and us acting as the soldiers leaving their loved ones. There was only 8 of us in the dance so the pressure was on not to mess up as everyone could notice pretty easily. We were also in partners, which made practising at home a bit tricky, but I think we pulled it of quite well. We danced to the song This is not goodbye by Sidewalk Prophets:

Now that it's over I miss it so much. The putting on make up rituals, the quick changes between dances, waiting on the stage for that moment when the music comes on and a different audience each night, the group warm ups and the bows. All these little things you remember along with the show are memories I'd like to hold on to and hopefully I'll be able to do the show in my final year again :)

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