Sunday, 22 December 2013

Thoughts - Untamed

We are all wild animals, free to go, free to choose, but sometimes we forget this. We let ourselves be caged or tamed. Whether it be by society, human norms or even our friends and loved ones for fear of losing us or not realising the future they see for us. It is then that We lose an important part of Ourselves. We let this happen. For fear, peer pressure, not wanting to hurt someone or we think it is the natural way. However, each one of us holds the key to our cage and we can choose to set ourselves free.

When we do, the whole world opens up. You free yourself from the people and experiences that limit you and are able to find those who help you realise your full potential. People who walk with you and not in front of you, helping you along your way, not dragging you behind on theirs.

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