Tuesday, 4 November 2014

Autumn in Birmingham

It's that time of year again, feels all too soon after having my last fall just 6 months ago in New Zealand, but there you go. However, unlike last year I will actually see it transition to winter, hopefully, this will put my season confusion to rest.

Waking up to this view I should have known
 how my day would be spent...

Time for cosy sweaters, pumpkin food, tea (as if there aren't enough reasons for tea, but I'll take them all), crafty evenings at home and staying in university purely for a warmer environment than our chilly student houses...

Took the time to enjoy the beauty of nature during this transition period walking around campus, parks and went hiking on a day trip with the hiking club (yes, I joined the one at my uni!).

Started on those crafts again, expanding my collection of DIY canvas-bag pillows. Also, brought back a pile of leaves for crafting, hopefully I will come up with something to use them for...

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