Thursday, 26 September 2013

First week of work

Bit behind to write this post, but here goes. So last week I started my placement at Landcare Research, the reason I have come to New Zealand. And so far so good. Started the week by doing fieldwork at an experimental site showing how effective the bio-control of St. John's wort is which involved driving out of the flatlands of Christchurch by a quite scenic route. The next day I spent the day working in the quarantine facilities where they are rearing heather beetles for the control of heather. Had to feed them, document their development stage all while in this tiny extremely bright room and while wearing a lab suit which just made me feel like I was doing real science work :P Unfortunately we had to sacrifice a few adult beetles to test for micro-parasites and so a few brave souls gave there lives for the noble cause... Anyway, going to do some molecular testing soon which I am looking forward to :) Finished off the week by experiencing my first earthquake :D It was very small, but can now cross that of my list of things to experience and hope that a bigger one isn't going to come along... So, bring on the next week, plenty more to do, see, learn :)

Friday, 20 September 2013

Mt. Isobel

So even before arriving to New Zealand I decided that to see as much of the country as possible I will join the CU tramping club and embark on many adventures to the mountains on the days I have off work. And so I did. My first destination was Mt. Isobel, a beginners day trip they told me. Well I am not gonna lie it was pretty hard and I did have to use a some help to reach the top. But when I did it was definitely worth it, the sense of achievement was incredible and the views were breathtaking.

And of course, no first would be complete with some random adventure in there. We decided to take a little shortcut at the bottom which involved going through the bushes. Now I am talking native New Zealand brambles with thorns and thick undergrowth which were not easy to go through. Still have the cuts and scratches to remind me of it. Maybe not the best idea, but an experience nonetheless and something that made this trip even more memorable.

A waterfall we used to refill our water bottles

Monday, 9 September 2013

First days in Christchurch

Well, I made it! Finally in New Zealand :) Got a chance to walk around town a bit yesterday and be a tourist (hopefully won't be too touristy in a short while). Anyway, it's spring here! Took a stroll down the botanical gardens and everything is blooming whereas back at home the leaves will start falling soon if they haven't already. 

For those who don't know, Christchurch suffered from an earthquake not too long ago so much of the city has been destroyed. However, they are making up for it nicely with new installations and architectural ideas like the Re:START mall made up from shipping containers and the Cardboard Cathedral which is as the name suggests made from cardboard. One street is lined with posters that tell the stories of people on the day of the earthquake which brought me to tears so I only read a couple before I had to stop in order not to become a crying mess in the middle of the city... It's amazing to see how the city is rebuilding, how people can move on and try to make the best of the situation.

185 Chairs - A memorial for the lives lost during the earthquake

Sunday, 8 September 2013

Summer travels: Hong Kong

Not my first time in Hong Kong, but that didn't get in the way of the city absolutely amazing me with all it has to offer. I met up with a friend who lives there and was kind enough to let me stay with her during my time there. Always think it's best when a local shows you around, someone who knows the ins and outs of their city and can give you an experience beyond the standard tourist places and activities can show you what life is really like there. And that's exactly what I got :) 

Before demolishing a building graffiti artists were brought in to make a temporary display of works in the parking areas.

We did hit tourist attractions like the Ladies market, The Peak and took the Peak Tram down. After that, the experiences started to vary. We hit the arcade to escape the rain and take part in a popular HK activity, visited the nunnery and it's beautiful gardens which create a peaceful haven in the middle of the bustling city. On one of the days we also visited the Charlie brown cafe when my love for Snoopy became apparent :P (best mint hot cocoa ever!) On another day we escaped the city and took a ferry to an island which is famous for this bun festival where there is a race to climb a bun tower, something probably worth seeing. We, however, saw some dragon boat races and went down a pirate cave :D

In the evenings, we made the most out of Hong Kongs nightlife by visiting Lan Kwai Fong with my host's friends and the next day attending, slightly randomly, a house party where we met a guy from Zimbabwe and got a little lesson on the situation there. Met a whole lot of interesting people on this trip, very international, well travelled and so enthusiastic about hearing people's stories and sharing their own. Felt so inspired, a great way to start my journey.

During my stay I tried so many different dining options starting with Yam Cha, Chinese morning or afternoon tea with Dim Sum and other interesting dishes (was brave enough to try chicken feet and thousand year egg, so achievement! :D) to Hong Kong street food (deep-fried ice-cream, fish, and shaved green tea flavoured ice), Korean hot pot and even Japanese with Sake, another new experience (way over my budget, but hey, sacrifices must be made in some cases)

On my last day, I ventured out on my own to visit another popular tourist attraction - the big Buddha and met a couple of really interesting people with which I spent the rest of the day, had lunch and visited the fishing village apparently named the Venice of Hong Kong (clever...). One of them had been in the Peace Core and is now working in the same country she did it in so funny how life turns out. After this experience, I'm not as put off about travelling on my own because there are always people to be meet :)

Yup, that's Venice alright...
P.S.: Des, if you're reading this: ICC, IFC, Bank of China, Central Plaza ;)

Thursday, 5 September 2013

Summer travels: Edinburgh

So after 2 weeks of nonstop travelling, I can finally return to regular scheduled blogging (ok for the most part). So After long goodbyes with family and friends in LT I began my journey by going to Edinburgh. I was there for only 3 days which were filled with Fringe festival shows the end of which was marked by my birthday (21 baby!) :) During the festival I saw some great acts like The Noise Next Door, Albert Einstein: Relatively Speaking and  more. The atmosphere in the city was superb, everyone rushing to shows, just having an amazing time.

There was also a book festival going on

Birth place of Harry Potter :)
Was also determined to climb Arthur's seat and even though we failed to do so on our first try (climbed the mountain in front of it...) we did in the end manage to reach our goal :) A bit of practice before (hopefully) many future hiking trips in New Zealand :D

Mission accomplished!

On my last day we took a free walking tour so got a bit of a history lesson and saw some interesting places, of course, took a picture with the most photographed statue in Edinburgh: Greyfriars Bobby :P

Angel playing the bagpipes. Standard.

Just your typical Edinburgh School