Thursday, 5 September 2013

Summer travels: Edinburgh

So after 2 weeks of nonstop travelling, I can finally return to regular scheduled blogging (ok for the most part). So After long goodbyes with family and friends in LT I began my journey by going to Edinburgh. I was there for only 3 days which were filled with Fringe festival shows the end of which was marked by my birthday (21 baby!) :) During the festival I saw some great acts like The Noise Next Door, Albert Einstein: Relatively Speaking and  more. The atmosphere in the city was superb, everyone rushing to shows, just having an amazing time.

There was also a book festival going on

Birth place of Harry Potter :)
Was also determined to climb Arthur's seat and even though we failed to do so on our first try (climbed the mountain in front of it...) we did in the end manage to reach our goal :) A bit of practice before (hopefully) many future hiking trips in New Zealand :D

Mission accomplished!

On my last day we took a free walking tour so got a bit of a history lesson and saw some interesting places, of course, took a picture with the most photographed statue in Edinburgh: Greyfriars Bobby :P

Angel playing the bagpipes. Standard.

Just your typical Edinburgh School

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