Thursday, 26 September 2013

First week of work

Bit behind to write this post, but here goes. So last week I started my placement at Landcare Research, the reason I have come to New Zealand. And so far so good. Started the week by doing fieldwork at an experimental site showing how effective the bio-control of St. John's wort is which involved driving out of the flatlands of Christchurch by a quite scenic route. The next day I spent the day working in the quarantine facilities where they are rearing heather beetles for the control of heather. Had to feed them, document their development stage all while in this tiny extremely bright room and while wearing a lab suit which just made me feel like I was doing real science work :P Unfortunately we had to sacrifice a few adult beetles to test for micro-parasites and so a few brave souls gave there lives for the noble cause... Anyway, going to do some molecular testing soon which I am looking forward to :) Finished off the week by experiencing my first earthquake :D It was very small, but can now cross that of my list of things to experience and hope that a bigger one isn't going to come along... So, bring on the next week, plenty more to do, see, learn :)

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