Thursday, 3 October 2013

My first month in New Zealand has come to an end... time flies by so fast! So, here are some things I've been up to this past week:

Firstly, went on another hiking trip, this time, to south Canterbury to Peel forest and climbed Little Mt Peel. Even though we waited for an hour to be picked up as it was forgotten that the time changed (now 12-hour difference to the UK and 10 to LT!) and it was rainy and cloudy, it turned out to be a good experience none the less. Got to walk through the clouds on the mountain (...mystical...) and because by the end my shoes were already soaked it didn't bother me that we had to walk through the river (which was actually pretty fun) :P Also, I'm gonna go ahead and say that we hiked through a rainforest, felt like it anyway since it was raining and we were walking through... a forest... Oh and can't forget the landmark of the day - The Big Tree (whoever came up with that name is a pure genius...)

Secondly, that same weekend I was invited to this Indonesian fair by some of my new International student friends who have been super welcoming and with whom I meet up every Friday to play games and such :) So, I went and got a chance to try out playing an Angklung - this Indonesian instrument which I got to keep after the fair and is now sitting on my shelf, giving my empty room a bit of life :) It only plays one note (mine is Fa) so to play a song I'd need a few more people who have different notes to join me :p any volunteers?

Finally, I marked my first month in NZ by driving on the left side of the road for the first time ever, and it felt great! I'm not usually a fan of driving so I was really surprised how much I enjoyed it :) And how quickly I picked it up (ok turned on the windscreen wipers instead of showing a turn signal for the first couple of times, but meh) I think as long as I don't have to drive a stick I can manage to do this while I'm in New Zealand, should be handy for travelling around :)

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